Online ISSN : 1880-6848
Print ISSN : 0029-0645
ISSN-L : 0029-0645
関谷 忠雄酒井 正美森島 雅夫渡部 照和山本 均大塚 基
ジャーナル フリー

1967 年 18 巻 3 号 p. 165-169


During the period of full five years from June, 1961 through May, 1966, we extracted the patients with chief-complain that seems to relate with the gullet among the outpatiens who visited the National Nagoya Hospital and examined them comparing the otorhinolaryngology, surgery and internal treatment.
1. The rate of patients of esophagenal disease against the total number of outpatients is 0.7per cent in the otorhinolaryngology, and less than 0.1per cent in the internal treatment and surgery. The phenomenon of increasing the nervous disease were observed though small number, and the cases of extraneous showed the phenomenon of decreasing year after year.
2. In regard to the chief complain, the defficulty of swallow is decreasing in numder but the increase of stick-feeling of food in the throat may have related with the diagnosis nervous disease. Besides, such nervous disease is occupied mainly by their twenties and the morbid fear is increasing among the young generation.
3. Among chief compalin regarding the gullet, there were patients other than the gullet, on the contrary, those patients whose chief complain is not the gullet were the esophagenal disease. For diagnosis and treatment, we recongnized the fluidity of internal treatment and surgery, especially the meaning of trachea esophagus.

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