Online ISSN : 2434-0510
Print ISSN : 2185-1646
村木 征人稲岡 純史
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 73-79


    The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the subjective intensity as the ratio to one's maximum effort as 100% and the motor performance as the quantitive output resulted under the various effort in some basic jump exercises such as the vertical jump and the rebounding drop jump from a box of 45cm high.

    As the result, there was a significant and similar positive linear relationship between the subjective intensity and the motor performance in each basic exercise. However, it was shown that the relative motor performances measured at different submaximal efforts to the performance marked at the maximum effort as 100% tend to be higher than each equivalent level of submaximal effort. The difference was tended to be smaller as higher the level of effort to the maximal.

    At the 90% of submaximum effort, 53.3% of the subjects marked their peak performances better than the performance done at the maximum effort during the ascending process from 50% to the maximum for every 10% without the initial maximum trial.

    The result and relationship obtained from this study correspond and support the results and foundings in the previous study on the sprint running (Y. Muraki, 1983)2).

    For the practical application, this relationship between the effort and the output should be mentioned and evaluated periodically for all coaches and athletes to control the optimal training intensity.

© 1996 日本コーチング学会
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