Online ISSN : 1884-1155
Print ISSN : 0010-9355
ISSN-L : 0010-9355
各種金属材料および防錆被覆の大気腐食に関する研究 (第1報)
(その2) 金属素材類の暴露1ヵ年の結果
堀川 一男滝口 周一郎大久保 秀世石津 善雄
ジャーナル フリー

1963 年 12 巻 2 号 p. 62-67


Atmospheric corrosion testing of metals has been conducted for one year in the above mentioned seven sites.
Metals exposed included two carbon steels, copper-bearing steel, four high strength steels, four stainless steels, three cast irons, cast steel and aluminum alloy.
In this test, the mean corrosion rates of these metals per year were respectively as follows:
carbon steels 0.054mm, copper-bearing steel 0.043mm, high strength steel 0.050mm, stainless steels 0.0003mm, cast irons 0.055mm, cast steel 0.064mm, and aluminum alloy 0.001mm.
And the least corrosion was observed on the metals exposed in cold and inland districts, while the most severe corrosion was in semiindustrial and industrial districts.
This weathering test is projected to be continued for five years.

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