Online ISSN : 1884-1155
Print ISSN : 0010-9355
ISSN-L : 0010-9355
隔膜を用いた中和反応による擬似さびの研究 (第1報)
伊藤 俊治宮川 亜夫
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 20 巻 8 号 p. 359-367


A new experimental method is presented to investigate the mechanism of rust formation on a low alloy steel and to study the role of added copper on the mechanism.
The neutralization reaction between sodium hydroxide and ferrous-ferric salt solutions was employed for the experiment. In some cases, copper salts were added to the latter solutions. The reaction was carried out in a quasi-static way through an ion exchange membrane as a diaphragm.
The amount of sodium hydroxide consumed by the reaction was determined. The products deposited on the membrane were identified by X-ray diffration. These products were named “pseudo-rust”.
The results obtained are as follows
(1) Using cation exchange membrane did not form “pseudo-rust”. By using an anion exchange membrane, however, “pseudo-rust” was favorably formed which was found to have anion permeability.
(2) The permeability of anions through the “pseudo-rust” was decreased by the presence of copper in the rust.
(3) When ferrous-cupric sulphate solution was added to a critical concentration, checked deposition of metallic copper was observed on the salt solution side of the anion exchange membrane.
(4) Using ferrous chloride solution resulted in the inclusion of metallic iron in the “pseudo-rust”.

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