Online ISSN : 1880-0408
Print ISSN : 0389-2441
ISSN-L : 0389-2441
ITERモデル・コイルの実験結果 (速報)
13T/640 MJ・Nb3Snパルス・コイル
高橋 良和安藤 俊就檜山 忠雄中嶋 秀夫加藤 崇杉本 誠礒野 高明押切 雅幸河野 勝己小泉 徳潔浜田 一弥布谷 嘉彦松井 邦浩榛葉 透西島 元土屋 佳則塙 博美関 秀一若林 宏高野 克敏宇野 康弘中村 恭悠今橋 浩一岡山 順一大内 猛田尻 二三男高矢 芳幸大都 起一川崎 勉川辺 勝廣原 武臣堤 史明久保 博篤小峰 武司清水 辰也倉持 勝也田宮 忠俊西井 憲治三浦 友史寺門 恒久辻 博史奥野 清瀧上 浩幸Denis BESSETTE大崎 治池田 三郎嶋田 守稲垣 淳二Nicolai MARTOVETSKYMakoto TAKAYASUPhillip MICHAELMario RICCIGernot ZAHNRoberto ZANINOLaura SAVOLDIAndre MARTINEZ
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 35 巻 7 号 p. 357-362


In the project for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a Central Solenoid (CS) model coil was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of the coil design and fabrication procedure. The model coil was installed in the test facility at JAERI, Naka, and a performance test is being carried out. The cool-down was completed without cold He leakage at the beginning of April 2000. We could charge the model coil up to the nominal current of 46kA without quenching in the first DC charging test. The model coil could generate the maximum field of 13T, and the stored energy was 640MJ. A manual dump test was also performed with the time constant of 5.3s from the nominal current. A maximum voltage of 4.8kV appeared in the coil during the dump test, and no damage was found after the test. In the pulse operation test, the coil could be ramped up to the nominal current in 26s, with the maximum ramping rate of 0.5T/s. The target ramping rate of 0.4T/s was satisfied. The test results are described in this paper.

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