Online ISSN : 2433-1899
Print ISSN : 0919-8393
「公立小中学校統廃合は政治過程」という視野の政策フレームとしての意義(教育政治の諸相,I 年報フォーラム)
葉養 正明
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 35 巻 p. 41-59


This paper aims to clarify the significance of the viewpoint of "school consolidation is political phenomenon" as the framework for policy decision on the allocation planning of public schools. Long-range declining birth rate and aging in Japan have been continuing even today as important background of increasing incidence of school consolidation of elementary and junior high schools. But the whole map of school consolidation in Japan has not been clear until now for the lack of nation-wide survey on the topic. Firstly, we intend to clarify the whole map of recent trends of school consolidation and consciousness of superintendent of schools and boards of education in each municipalities on the topics by using 3 times nationwide survey on school consolidation of elementary and junior high schools executed in 2006 and 2008. Secondarily, by focusing on the problem of proper size of school the consciousness of superintendents of schools on it and reallocation planning of schools in each municipalities and so on have been clarified for understanding political context of educational decision of superintendents of schools. Thirdly, by picking up optimization and satisfying approach as the framework of efficient and rational organizational behavior by H. Simon, the possibility of satisfying approach as framework for policy decision on allocation planning of schools has been discussed and the significance of political framework for solving school consolidation or school allocation planning has been pointed out.

© 2009 日本教育行政学会
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