Online ISSN : 2433-1899
Print ISSN : 0919-8393
鈴木 瞬
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 48 巻 p. 62-81


This paper focuses on "after-school support for children," which has been positioned on the periphery of educational administration and discusses the achievements and possibilities of the practice of after-school child care, which is an example of such support.

First, the paper distinguishes between the externally demanded logic of "education" and the internally oriented logic of "education" in after-school care for children, where the institutionalization of "education" is an issue. Then, regarding the relationship between "education" and "care" inherent in the practice of after-school care, I analyzed the theory of "life creation" in the 1980s and 1990s and records of practice. As a result, I showed the mutually proactive relationship in the practice of after-school care as a place of human coexistence. This reappraisal of after-school care practice as a place of human coexistence is thought to provide an opportunity to focus on enriching the world of life as an educational issue.

Based on the above analysis, I pointed out that in order to implement the logic of " inactivity " in relation to the practice of childcare for school-age children, it is necessary to reconsider the practice of after-school care not within the framework of "education" and "inactivity" but as human coexistence, and to deepen cooperation and collaboration with schools, while maintaining the marginal nature of the practice. I also pointed out that, in order to achieve this, it is essential to establish a system to enhance the professionalism of the instructors of after-school care, and that it is also necessary to reconsider the phase of "after-school support for children" in educational administration research from this perspective.

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