Online ISSN : 1884-7870
Print ISSN : 0449-9069
ISSN-L : 0449-9069
大野 静枝大川 陽子
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 22 巻 5 号 p. 315-320


Worn-out school uniforms collected from homes were examined in order to analyze their shine caused by wear.
Microphotographic observation and measurement of shine of fabrics were carried out at the parts of the uniforms where there is no shine and comparatively good shine.
Qualitative and quantitative results are as follows : (1) at the part where there is a shine, the surface of the wool fiber has lost the scales due to abrasion and the yarn itself has lost the fluff. There is a considerable difference in the appearance on the section of the fabric between shiny parts and other parts, and the surface of the shiny part of the fabric has become flat when compared with other parts. Also the surface of the fabric becomes smoother due to adsorption of dirts onto the fabric structure. (2) The more the fabric structure becomes smooth and dirty, the more the fabric becomes shiny. But increase of the shine is caused more effectively by abrasion than by soiling.

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