Online ISSN : 1882-6121
Print ISSN : 0916-8753
ISSN-L : 0916-8753
石炭液化プラントの経済性 (III)
高木 勉清水 慎一
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 82 巻 8 号 p. 603-609


By using Linear Programming (LP) technique, the production costs of hydrogen and power were minimized in the combination of these production processes, in which the steam reforming of natural gas and off-gas, and the gasification of raw coal and residue produced from the coal liquefaction plant were selected as the hydrogen production process.
The capital cost and production cost were reduced by introducing the steam reforming of natural gas and off-gas along with the gasification of raw coal and residue. The production of hydrogen by the steam reforming of natural gas reduced the production cost, in which the residue is used for the power generation. On the other hand, the low consumption and the low capital cost were expected in the case of Combined Cycle Generator (CCG), but the production costs of steam-power and hydrogen depended on the price of natural gas.
In this study, the effects of coal type and liquefaction condition on the production cost and capital cost were discussed at which the boiler turbine generator (BTG) was selected for power generation. The optimal system is closely related to the yield of residue, the hydrogen consumption and the hydrogen production process. The production cost of hydrogen was reduced by increasing oil yield and by decreas-ing the residue. The selection of coal type and reaction condition, which gives more oil and less residue, is essential for the optimal design of hydrogen and power units in coal liquefaction plant.

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