Online ISSN : 1349-838X
Print ISSN : 0019-2341
ISSN-L : 0019-2341
鈴木 雅史吉村 昇木村 修粟田 昌延
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 78 巻 2 号 p. 107-113


Computer graphics is a useful simulation method for estimation or evaluation of lighting environments. Ray tracing is a common computer graphics method and this method has often been used for various lighting systems. However, in a conventional ray tracing method, it has been difficult to deal with diffusely reflected light. Therefore, synthesized images have been more or less unnatunal. On the other hand, radiosity method can treat diffusely reflected light, but it is difficult to deal with specularly reflected light and transmitted/refracted light by this method.
If we trace a beam of light from a source, it is easy to deal with both diffusely reflected and transmitted/refracted light. In a Monte Carlo simulation method, a radiation or a reflection angle is determined statistically by random number. Therefore, we can trace a beam of light from the source.
In the previouse paper, we studied the color change caused by inter-reflected light in the interior of a model room with infinite length, with attention to the spectral radiant exitance. In the present paper, luminous exitance was calculated in a model three dimensional space. In addition, calculated results are shown graphically. It was found that the color change caused by inter-reflection light can be handled accurately by using a Monte Carlo method.

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