Online ISSN : 2423-8325
Print ISSN : 2423-8317
ISSN-L : 2423-8317

P-3-07 北海道におけるセミトレーラと欧州型CTL導入による森林資源利用可能量増加可能性の検討
有賀 一広長沢 翔太松岡 佑典斎藤 仁志酒井 明香白澤 紘明
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 180-181


With the introduction of both semi-trailers and European-type CTLs in Hokkaido, the availability was estimated to be 6,673,221 m3/year and 1,334,644 m3/year for used and unused woody materials, respectively. As for used woody materials, the value was significantly higher than 3,741,000 m3/year of coniferous material production in Hokkaido. The value of unused woody materials also showed a value that almost satisfied the wood chip 1,431,753 m3/year, which was a woody biomass fuel in Hokkaido. The increased availability was estimated to be 144,035 m3/year and 28,807 m3/year for used and unused woody materials. As for used woody materials, the value was converted to 1.49 billion yen/year in terms of monetary value and 3,648 houses/year in terms of single-family homes. For unused woody materials, the value for power generation was converted to 190 million yen/year in terms of monetary value and 3,688 households/year in terms of the number of households. The effects obtained by introducing both semi-trailers and European-type CTLs would not be small, and this implies that the introduction will lead to further use of forest resources.

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