Online ISSN : 1348-4559
Print ISSN : 1340-8984
ISSN-L : 1340-8984
山本 清龍本郷 哲郎
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 69 巻 5 号 p. 641-644


Aokigahara Jukai forest spreads on the northwest base of Mt. Fuji and it is designated as national park. In spite of the protection by regulations, the increase of visitors and users immoral behavior still threaten natural resources in the park. Recent investigations and researches show that some visitors such as "eco-tour" participants are making an amendment of the utilization and they are starting to pay close attention to the natural environment. In order to combine utilization with resource protection successfully in the park, it is very important to grasp not only behavioral pattern but also consciousness of users. Therefore, we tried to find the relationship between the environmentally friendly consciousness and the attributes of users and to make the need for the guide clear. As a result, we found that the environmentally friendly consciousness is related to the image of the park and the use purpose, and that one day users and the ignorant of ecotourism do not feel the need for the guide. Based on those, it is effective to provide motivations and to spread the concept of the park administration and ecotourism for the appropriate use of natural resources. For this purpose the development of one day tour program including guidance for the utilization is needed.

© 2006 公益社団法人 日本造園学会
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