Online ISSN : 1883-261X
ISSN-L : 1883-261X
野中 勝利
キーワード: 城址, 公園, 和歌山, 近代化
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 10 巻 p. 55-62


This study shows the process whereby the site of Wakayama Castle, which was administered by the Army Ministry under the Meiji Government, was turned into a public park. In 1889 citizens’ groups and the city of Wakayama unsuccessfully petitioned the Army Ministry, requesting that ownership of the castle site be transferred free of charge in order to preserve the castle remains. However, a request to rent and utilize the site made by Wakayama Prefecture was approved. They envisioned using the castle tower as an industrial exhibition hall. In 1900 the prefecture petitioned the central government for approval of a plan to turn the site into a public park and to construct an industrial exhibition hall within it. The plan was approved, and the next year Wakayama Park opened with an industrial exhibition hall on its grounds. In 1911 the city of Wakayama, wishing to continue to use and manage site as a public park, and to preserve the castle remains, applied to purchase it from the central government. A sale price of ¥60,000 was decided on. However, the city of Wakayama, like Wakayama Prefecture, was unable to secure sufficient funds to maintain and manage the park. In 1914 a plan was prepared for improvements to the park to commemorate the enthronement of the new Emperor, and work proceeded in a comprehensive manner.

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