Online ISSN : 1883-261X
ISSN-L : 1883-261X
小椋 菜美鈴木 敦子深町 加津枝柴田 昌三
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 16 巻 p. 115-125


While it is known that a guild of gardeners and plant dealers called "uekiya-nakama" existed in Kyoto by the 18th century, it is unclear how the guild was established because at that time some areas outside of Kyoto’s urban area were included in it. In this study, it is noted that the names of several “uekiya” (gardeners and plant dealers) are found in publications related to chrysanthemums that were popular in Kyoto during the Shotoku (1711-16) and Kyoho (1716-36) periods. The activities of uekiya at the chrysanthemum exhibitions of the time are explored, and the establishment of the uekiya-nakama is discussed with respect to trends in chrysanthemum. From the records of chrysanthemum exhibitions and publications on chrysanthemums of the time, it is revealed that the people driving the trend in chrysanthemums were hobbyists from different professional backgrounds. It is thought that uekiya who had been dealing in trees and flowers from olden times started their activities as a group to avoid missing out on the chrysanthemum trend, in which seedling trading had developed into a big business. It is also suggested that this activity surrounding the chrysanthemum trend may have led to the formation of the uekiya-nakama.

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