Online ISSN : 1880-8018
Print ISSN : 0451-5994
ISSN-L : 0451-5994
鎌土 重晴佃 誠徳富 一郎広瀬 喜興
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 37 巻 4 号 p. 261-267


Equiaxed and columnar structures are formed in lower and upper ends and in other parts of unidirectionally solidified castings respectively. This structural difference depends on constitutional supercooling parameters. Fine particles of Si are formed by eutectic reaction at cooling velocities above 1°C/s. Rod-like Si crystallizes at lower cooling velocities. As for T6 treated castings, the tip of Si crystals is rounded, but still remains a rod-like form in the castings solidified at lower cooling velocities. Primary and secondary dendrite arm spacings shorten with increasing these solidification parameters. Correlations of VLC (cooling velocity in liquid state)and DAS1 (primary dendrite arm spacing)and Of VS4C (partial cooling velocity from liquidus to the temperature at which 40% volume fraction of solid solidifies) and DAS2 (secondary dendrite arm spacing) in the columnar structure have the maximum correlation coefficient as: DAS1=305V-0.520LC and DAS2=34.8V-0.350S4C.

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