Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
浪江 宏宗安田 明生
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 101 巻 p. 297-305


GLONASS, being operated by Russian Space Agency, is a world wide satellite navigation system similar to GPS of US. Although the satellite number of the system has been reduced to 15 from the FOC of 24 satellites, as the SA of GPS is not introduced, the positioning accuracy is better than that of GPS during the period of a small DOP value. The use of both GPS and GLONASS together increases the number of usable satellites and improves the accuracy and availability especially while driving in the urban canyon. The authors tried the GLONASS and GPS+ GLONASS positioning while driving car and navigating ship. The accuracy is evaluated against the DGPS with MF marine radio beacon correction data dissemination. It is confirmed that the higher accuracy is available in the positioning by GLONASS with small DOP value and GPS+ GLONASS with more than 3 GLONASS satellites than that by GPS alone.


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