Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
平田 法隆西嶋 孝典垣野 文彦
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 129 巻 p. 99-104


When berthing a large vessel, ship handling is very difficult. Although a lot of information such as the ship speed, yaw rate, distance to the berth, tags status, wind direction, wind speed, safety check and so on is required for berthing maneuver, such information has been not integrated so far. In order to reduce the stress of the pilot, the assistance system which can display the numerical information of the ship status (speed and distance to the berth) and bird's-eye view image was developed.
The system flow is explained as follows. First, the picture is converted to bird's-eye image. Next, in this study, the distance to the berth is estimated by edge detection process. Then, the velocity component is calculated by using the image matching process. The error was identified within 16cm, 0.1knot and 0.6deg/min compared with the measurement data of K-GPS. In this study, the accuracy of the numerical information almost satisfies the specification of berthing maneuver.


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