Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
庄司 和民飯島 幸人鈴木 裕斎藤 清隆
ジャーナル フリー

1982 年 66 巻 p. 9-15


IMCO's resolution showed that the distance of the magnetic compass from electrical or magnetic equipment should be at least equal to the safe distance specified for the equipment. This paper describes about measured east-west magnetic field intensity produced by each nautical instrument and its safe distance obtained by a magnetometer. Each instrument was measured on a non-magnetic turn-table which was turned though 360° in a uniform geo-magnetic field, and the safe distance was measured in a direction giving the most influence. The safe distance measured this time on a radar scanner was over 3m, a fish finder, loran, omega and facsimile being 1 to 2m, ADF, clear view screen, a rudder angle indicator, an engine tachometer and an engine telegraph being less than 1m. Influence of electric source on or off to the equipment was not obviously observed in 7 of 17 nautical instruments.


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