Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
黒田 隆吉田 光雄大沢 文男大谷 浩二松田 広久大西 典一金田 章治
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 70 巻 p. 159-166


To make clear the above subject, authors attempted to investigate the images of the sea, the ship and the seafarer. These images are concerned with fundamental attitude toword or vocational consciousness to be seamen. As sample, 467 cadets on board training ships were selected. The data obtained using SD method were analyzed by Factor Analysis, and compaired with them of Kobe Mercantile Marine University students and Merchant ship officers. The results were as follows: The majority of the cadets, sons of salaried men came from city or town near the sea and had much explorative experiences about the sea and the ship. But their images of the sea affairs were not so good. Their factor-scores were located between university students and officers. As to score, university students showed the highest one, cadets next to them and officers showed the lowest. This means that the passion to be seamen reduces all the less because of having more knowledge about the actual sea affairs. This came to the same result as Mr. OHSAWA's report in point of view of morale survey 20 years ago.


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