Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
CFSにおける貨物取扱い作業の効率化について : パレット・サイズからの検討
鶴田 三郎杉崎 昭生稲石 正明
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 90 巻 p. 89-97


In this paper, the pallet size which is used in a Container Freight Station (CFS) has been studied, in order to realize the effective cargo handling in a CFS. We have carried out general consideration based on the results of numerical analysis and experimentation. Suitabilities of pallet size for container size, cargo size on a pallet for container size, pallet size for the area of CFS and pallet size for fieldwork have been considered. Type T11 (1100×1100) and type T8 (1100×800) are suitable for the intermodal transportation, from the view point of utilization efficiency of container floor. 4 kinds of pallet size, 1400×1100, 1200×1000, T11 and 1800×1200 (used in a CFS) are suitable for fieldwork in a CFS. Synthesizing the results of each suitability, it is advisable to use T11 pallet in a CFS.


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