Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
矢吹 英雄
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 91 巻 p. 71-78


Full-scale stopping tests for various J_<so>(=U_o/(n・D)) are carried out in order to evaluate each stopping ability of two Training Ships, both with a Highly Skewed Propeller (HSP), and a Training Ship with a Conventional Propeller (CP). All of them are of 5,000〜5800 G.T. As a result, both two HSPs show comparatively less astern power than that of a CP in ahead-reverse condition. Stopping time and distance of each ship with a HSP are found longer than those of the ship with a CP. Additionally, in case of test ships, Side Reach and Final Directional Angle with HSP are a little bigger than those with CP, so that HSP seems to have slightly strong power generated to change her head rightward than CP. During stopping maneuver of a HSP ship, it, therefore, is recommended to apply a little higher reversing propeller revolution than the case of a CP ship.


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