Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
レーダー プロツテイング ダイヤグラム(日本航海学会第16回講演会)
西谷 芳雄前畑 幸弥
ジャーナル フリー

1957 年 16 巻 p. 45-53


Estimation of the nearest approach is one of the most important problems at the navigation with Radar. An attempt already performed to determine the nearest approach by a kind of nomogram, but it seems to have many disadvantages. We contrived more convenient nomogram (the Radar Plotting Diagram) for the determination of nearest approach, by which one can obtain it at once from the value of R_1, R_2 and β without any calculation, where R_1 is the first range, R_2 the 2nd and β the change of bearing. An accuracy of the nearest approach is function of the values of R_1, ΔR_1, β, and Δβ etc. (ΔR_1 is the probable error of R_1 and Δβ that of β), and one can easily see it by the formula and curves shown in this paper. Examples for selected values of R_1, ΔR_1, β, and Δβ etc. are also shown. The nomograms for the relative speed Vrel and the time T requied to arrive at the nearest approach from the first observation are shown. By these Radar Plottig Diagrams and data, one can obtain rapidly and acculate the necessary values for Radar navigation.

© 1957 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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