Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
細野 正巳武田 幸男
ジャーナル フリー

1957 年 17 巻 p. 95-105


From the measurement of rush current, hook speed, efficiency and the like of the Mitsubishi cargo winch of the pole changing squirrel cage motor type, voltage regulation and loading efficiency are discussed. The essential points are as follows ; (1) The rush currents at starting and changing notch are about 2 times of the rated current, but when the notch is changed to lower 2 notch from lower 3 notch the rush current is almost 3 times of the rated current is observed, but the duration of those rush currents are the order of 0.5 second in general. (2) The effect of voltage variation on the moter characteristics is small ; the slight increase of current and the decrease of hook speed are observed on the hoist 3 notch. (3) The loading efficiency of the Pole change winch is nearly equal to that of the Ward-Leonard winch.

© 1957 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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