Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
川島 利兵衛
ジャーナル フリー

1962 年 27 巻 p. 11-17


A radio telemetering system for the ship's rolling motions has been designed and it was discussed in the previous paper. In the present paper, the method for analysis of the ship's rolling record which was obtained by means of the above mentioned system was discussed ; an analyser for the application of this method was designed and examined. Change in the value of transverse metacentric height (=GM) of the ship is the most useful information for judging of the safety of the ship's stability in the seaway. Generally, according to the relation between GM and the rolling period of the ship, if the transverse radius of gyration of the ship (=κ) or coefficient c (=κ/B) is given as a constant value, the value of GM and the change of GM (=ΔGM) are calculated by equation (1) and (2), respectively. As to Tables I and II in which the practical ship's data are shown for drifter and pelagic fishing boats respectively, by calculating of GM for each datum in accordance with equation (2), their mean values are found to be 0.209m for drifter and 0.0972m for pelagic fishing boats against 1 second change of the ship's rolling period. Concerning the results of the above calculations, though the mean values of GM are from 20% to 30% for the value of GM, it is necessary to know the value of GM within 10% for the value of GM at least, from the practical view point. According to the relation of GM and the value of the change of the ship's rolling period (=ΔT) which is shown in equation (2), it is required that the rolling period of the ship should be taken within the precision of one-fourth second. In the above mentioned meaning, in order to presume the rolling period of the ship from the record of the ship's rolling, the method making use of the spectrum is more practicable than the method by means of the apparent period. The author discussed the several methods for calculating the rolling period from the record of the ship's rolling, and designed an analyser which consists of a function generator and a frequency analyser. It was found that this analyser is sufficiently effective for the above mentioned purpose.

© 1962 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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