Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
田辺 穰嶋田 和治
ジャーナル フリー

1966 年 35 巻 p. 63-69


When a vessel is navigating with the aid of radar in restricted visibility, it is recommended that the alteration of course angle be substantially increased in order to prevent collisions. The substantial action is recommended not only because this would probably have the greatest effect, but also because it would be more likely to be noticed on the radar screen of the other vessel. As regards alteration in course angle, it is recommeded that a minimum alteration of 60 degrees be the standard navigational practice. However, the purpose of this recommended angle is not generally known to and understood by many navigators. In the study of the problem in question, the authors have made some studies and conducted some experiments with the use of the Marine Radar Simulator. As the result of these actions, one of the most important experimental studies was the study to determine the observer's notice of target's motion change which arises from the different angle of course alteration. We, therefore, advocate the results of experimental studies in substantial action which can make effective pictures on the radar screen to the navigators who are continuously watching it.

© 1966 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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