Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
石畑 崔郎西谷 芳雄松本 吉春
ジャーナル フリー

1966 年 35 巻 p. 141-145


The images of PPI radar echoes are different from the coastlines on the chart because the radar beam cannot arrive at the regions behind the hills or islands. In Naikai, many islands, hills and mountains are distributed near the recommended route and there are many narrow channels having strong tidal currents. If we meet the dens fog in such a channel, we must navigate by the informations of radar and lead our ship to the safety region. Therefor the navigator must determine the position by obsrving the radar scope at once. So we must have full knowledge about the characteristics of radar echoes in Naikai. We provided the radar pilot charts in Naikai along the recommended route, giving the important characteristics of radar echoes. Several of them are shown in this paper. It is said that if you train yourself by these radar pilot charts, you will easily be able to identify the echoes corresponding to any one point on the charts.

© 1966 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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