Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
荒天錨泊法に関する実験研究 : 風浪中の錨泊について(日本航海学会第35回講演会)
米田 謹次郎野原 威男谷 初蔵鞠谷 宏士岩井 聰及川 清久々宮 久山田 猛敏
ジャーナル フリー

1967 年 36 巻 p. 91-96


The present paper deals with some experimental investigations on the yaw of ship in case of riding on a single anchor or of mooring, under the strong wind and high wave, carried out at the experimental water tank topped with wind tunnel. The main object of the present experiments is concentrated on the additional effect of waves. The important results obtained are summarized as follow: 1) The methods by which the motions of ship and shock loads acting on anchor cable can be eased and minimized, as proposed in the previous paper, are also valid for the present case. 2) The shock loads acting on cable are larger in wind and waves than without waves. 3) The extent of yaw of ship appears to be smaller in wind and waves at light loaded conditions, while larger at full loaded conditions, than in wind but without waves. 4) So far as the present experiments are concerned, in case of mooring, the effects of waves on the motions of ship at light loaded conditions are so complicated and indistinct.

© 1967 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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