Online ISSN : 2433-0116
ISSN-L : 0466-6607
本田 啓之輔山口 篤利松木 哲広田 実井上 篤次郎加藤 計太郎井上 欣三
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 45 巻 p. 55-64


In this paper we describe problems on a controllability of ships when very large vessels proceed through the middle-channel of the strait of Kurushima, and also as to whether it is safety enough. An output of irregular yaw motions of ships caused by a turblent flow was replaced with an input of Equivalent Rudder Angle δ_e, which is expected to generate the same yaw motion of ship, and the equivalent rudder angle was used as a new guidance to estimate the yaw angle of very large vessels in the turblent flow. In order to obtain the steering-pattern that eqauls the turblent flow effect, tests by full sized ship were carried out on a training ship (G. T. 360t) and passenger ships (G. T. 2, 900t). From the results simulated for very large vessels by using a digital computer and the experimental data, it can be considered that the ship-maneuvers in the turblent flow are not so difficult as it is imagined.

© 1971 公益社団法人 日本航海学会
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