Online ISSN : 1880-6880
Print ISSN : 0021-4876
ISSN-L : 0021-4876
古川 和男大野 英雄
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 41 巻 5 号 p. 450-457


It was verified that in the complex ionic liquids of type AX-BX2 such as alkali-fluoroberyllates or alkaliearth-silicates the corresponding-state principle is valid quantitatively under the following conditions: [A] between the following pairs, (i) LiF-BeF2 and MgO-SiO2, (ii) NaF-BeF2 and CaO-SiO2 and (iii) KF-BeF2 and BaO-SiO2, [B] in the composition region between 30 and 70 mol% in AX components, and [C] under the reduced absolute temperature scale with the factors 2.85 in the system (i), or 2.80 in the systems (ii) and (iii). Using the existing experimental data the following physical properties were confirmed to have the same values within experimental error in the corresponding states of both molten materials: (1) ionic packing density, (2) viscosity coefficient, and (3) equivalent conductivity. The liquid structure of both materials is also essentially the same in the corresponding state. Experimental work on molten fluoroberyllates is much easier than that on molten silicates due to the former’s lower melting points and applicability of a Ni-alloy (Hastelloy-N) container. The improvement of scientific understanding of molten fluoro-beryllates will ultimately contribute to the development of science and technology concerning not only molten fluoro-beryllates but also molten silicates.

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