Online ISSN : 1880-6880
Print ISSN : 0021-4876
ISSN-L : 0021-4876
斎藤 秀雄宮沢 薫一森 実
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 62 巻 3 号 p. 215-223


Behavior of hydrogen accumulation in a long-term aged of austenitic stainless steel SUS316 was investigated by tritium transmission electron microscopic (TEM) autoradiography. The thin foil specimens were exposed either immediately after the electrolytic charging of tritium at 253 K (diffusing tritium) or after hold at the room temperature for three days (non-diffusing tritium). Tritium TEM autoradiographs were observed by changing the inclination of the specimen. Chromium carbide (Cr23C6) was precipitated along the grain boundary and within the matrix. Blackened silver particles of large number were observed around the chromium carbide (Cr23C6) and its circumference.
On the other hand, tritium TEM autoradiographs of the specimen held at room temperature for three days were revealed at the noncoherent interfaces of chromium carbide (Cr23C6) precipitated along the grain boundary and within the matrix. But they were not observed at better coherent interfaces of chromium carbide (Cr23C6). The amount of diffusing hydrogen were about seven times larger compared with those of non-diffusing hydrogen.

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