Journal of High Performance Sport
Online ISSN : 2434-7302
Print ISSN : 2434-7299
― 2020 全豪オープンテニスでの支援を事例に ―
内藤 貴司 斎藤 辰哉田島 孝彦染谷 俊一土橋 登志久
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2020 年 6 巻 p. 118-128


Among the tennis Grand Slam tournaments, the greatest number of heat-related health problems has occurred at the Australian Open. Previous studies showed that body cooling is effective strategy to prevent hyperthermia, in turn improving exercise performance in hot conditions. However, when support person provides athletes body cooling in tennis competition, no specific maneuver such as freezing cooling materials outside laboratory or transporting them to stadium is shown. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the strategies of support using body cooling in tennis competition according to case-based support in 2020 Australian Open. This article addresses the practical maneuvers of support using body cooling in tennis competition, as well as discussing the problems of freezing cooling materials outside laboratory or transporting them to stadium, and providing practical recommendations to optimize their success.

© 2020 独立行政法人日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
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