Online ISSN : 2187-8366
Print ISSN : 0385-6275
ISSN-L : 0385-6275
23aC8 水酸アパタイトの成長に対するマグネシウム及び亜鉛のインヒビター効果(バイオII)
神崎 紀子小沼 一雄堤 貞夫伊藤 敦夫
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 26 巻 2 号 p. 110-


An inhibitory effect of Mg and Zn on hydroxyapatite crystal growth was quantitatively measured. The growth rates of hydroxyapatite (0001) face were measured by moire phase shift interferometry. The growth rates decreased by 70% in a concentration range from 0 to 1.5 mom of Mg and from 0 to 1.5×10^<-3> mM of Zn. It was found that Zn was about 1000 times effective than Mg in inhibiting hydroxyapatite crystal growth. The relationship between growth rates and additive concentrations was fitted by Langmuir adsorption isotherm in a range from 0 to 7.5× 10^<-3> mM for Zn, and in a range from o to 1.5×10^<-1> mM for Mg. It was understood that Zn and Mg inhibited hydroxyapatite crystal growth by surface adsorption. However, the relationship was not fitted by Langmuir adsorption isotherm in a range from 1.5×10^<-1> to 1.5 mM for Mg, suggesting that Mg substitutes for Ca sites of hydroxyapatite crystal.

© 1999 日本結晶成長学会
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