Online ISSN : 1881-9702
Print ISSN : 0040-9480
籾山 徳太郎
ジャーナル フリー

1949 年 12 巻 58 号 p. 115-143


A full account of the available data on Pryer's Grass-Warbler, one of the rarest Japanese birds, is given. Between 1884 and 1923, only ten specignens were procured; during the winter of 1931-32, five were recorded but none were preserved; the following winter some 20-25 were captured and I procured three specimens during the winter of 1936-37 received three live birds, and Kuroda procured one in Spring, 1937. The nesting round was discovered in Sendai the seme year. The known localities are confined to six prefectures but most recent specimens have been taken north of Tokyo. This Warbler is partial to reed beds. I think the sudden increase of records in recent years is due to the .popularity of roasted small birds sold in Tokyo streets, and to fill this demand netters of small birds started clearing avian population in reed beds along rivers and lakes north of Tokyo, thus many appeared in native bird-dealers. As the exploitation of this Warbler's habitat is fast progressing great havoc is expected to the bird's life. The article deals with history, derivation of name, morphology, affinity, habit, aviculture and bibliography.

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