Online ISSN : 2186-1579
Print ISSN : 0021-5163
ISSN-L : 0021-5163
秋月 弘道吉田 広月岡 克郎森 紀美江岡田 隆道 健一
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 33 巻 7 号 p. 1357-1362


This report analyzes the maxillofacial injuries of 521 patients treated at First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Showa University Dental Hospital in 1977-1985. The injuries were classified into four groups, depending on severity: Group 1, maxillary, mandibular and maler fracture; Group 2, tooth injury; Group 3, injury of oral soft tissue; Group 4, decubital ulcer of oral soft tissue. Factors analyzed were number, sex, patient age, and cause, location and treatment of the injury. Tooth injuries (Group 2) were the largest with 45.3% of the patients, while Group 1 was 24.4%; Group 4, 15.6%; and Group 3, 14.8%. The male/female ratio indicated much more common fracture (Group 1) and tooth injury (Group 2) in male, while female had slightly higher occurrence of oral soft tissue injury (Group 3) and decubital ulcer (Group 4). Automobile accidents were the main cause of injuries in Group 1, falls in Group 2 and 3, prosthesis in Group 4. Just over ninety percent of fractures (Group 1) were of the mandible, and just over two-thirds of tooth injuries (67.8%) were in the maxillary incisal region. Soft tissue injuries (Group 3) occurred mainly in the lip (35.1%) and gingiva (17.5%). Decubital ulcers (Group 4) were found in gingiva (48.1%), tongue (27.2%) and buccal mucosa (12.3%). Most fracture patients were successfully treated by closed reduction and about sixteen percent of patients were treated by open reduction. Fifty-six percent of tooth injuries (Group 2) were luxated teeth, most of which were treated by repositioning and fixation.

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