Online ISSN : 2186-1579
Print ISSN : 0021-5163
ISSN-L : 0021-5163
顎関節症に対するAmfenac Sodium(フェナゾックス®)の臨床評価
柴田 考典木住野 義信鬼谷 信美米津 博文高野 直久佐藤 和則関 泰忠重松 知寛高橋 庄二郎
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 34 巻 4 号 p. 752-767


The efficacy of Amfenac Sodium (Fenazox®), nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agent on temporomandibular joint pain was clinically evaluated in 28 temporomandibular arthrosis patients. Amfenac Sodium dosage of 200 mg was given orally in 4 times daily for two weeks.
The results were as follows:
1) Temporomandibular joint pain and limitation of mouth opening because of pain improved remarkedly.
2) Effectiveness of Amfenac Sodium was “Excellent” in 5 cases (17.9%), “Good” in 12 cases (42.9%) and “Fair” in 10 cases (35.7%).
3) Side effects were observed in 8 of the 28 cases. Most of those 3 cases had slight gastrointestinal disorders and only two cases were dropped.
4) The usefulness of Amfenac Sodium was in 3 cases (10.7%) “Excellent”, 13 cases (46.4%) “Good” and 10 cases (35.7%) “Fair”.
It is suggested that Amfenac Sodium is useful for relief from temporomandibular joint pain in temporomandibular arthrosis patients.

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