Online ISSN : 2432-0986
Print ISSN : 1342-3215
上肢運動に伴う体幹部体表面の変化 : 詰襟学生服設計に関する基礎的研究
河地 洋子石本 律子竹内 弘子安河内 朗
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 6 巻 3 号 p. 63-70


The focus of this reseach is to measure the degree of changes observed in torso measurements upon movement of the body as a basis for improvement in the design of the Tsumeeri Uniform. The upper bodies of six adult males of average physique provided modeling and were sectioned using surgical tape. The results are as follows. 1) The standard deviation of the average torso measurements of the six models showed the largest point to be the outer portions of the back. 2) The section of the shoulder from the base of the neck to the point of acromion did not expand. Nol and No2 sections contracted by a maximum of 60%. No25 and No28 contracted by a maximum of 35%. 3) The horizontally divided sections of the chest and abdomenal areas of both front and back torso expanded somewhat while the upper back expanded by a maximum of 30%. There was large deviation observed in the vertical sections of both front and back along the outer portions of the torso, particularly in the expanded back portions. Overall body movements showed great expansion. 4) The largest expansion of any section was the outer portion of the back by a maximum of 57%. The most contracted portion was in the shoulder area. No8 contracted approximately 27%. There results provide basic data for improvement in the design of the shoulder and overall pattern design of the Tsumeeri Uniform.

© 2001 日本生理人類学会
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