Online ISSN : 1881-7718
Print ISSN : 0484-6710
ISSN-L : 0484-6710
久保 正秋
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 54 巻 1 号 p. 183-196


This study examined the value of experience of sports movements. First, it examined the social significance of sports movements based on Lenk's argument, as well as that of sports movements themselves on the basis of Yano's article. Second, we considered the practice of sports movements as a physical experience from the viewpoint of “semantic generation.” Finally, we argued the value of sports movements as a physical experience.
The conclusions of the study were as follows:
1) Sports movements are “integrated into socially institutionalized and restricted frameworks” (Lenk) and “interpreted as an expression of one's own accomplishment within a conventionalized framework” (Lenk) so that sports movements have value in terms of socialization.
2) However, based on Bateson's theory of cybernetics-which suggests that the world consists of three parts: the individual system, the social system, and the ecosystem-sports movements also have intrinsic value as a physical experience. Humans are confined to the individual and social systems every day, but can become part of the ecosystem through the physical experience associated with sports movements.
3) Sports movements are rule-bound, physical, and burdened by goal orientation. Being limited by rules disrupts everyday movement (thanatos), while goal orientation brings the resolution into the ecosystem at the instant of achievement (which is experienced as eros). Thus, the values of sports movements can be explained.
This study concluded that the value of experiencing sports movements is to bring individuals into connection with the world (ecosystem). However, experience of sports movements is likely to result in transformation from the hyper-social experience into the social experience, as sports movements are integrated into the socially institutionalized setting.

© 2009 一般社団法人 日本体育学会
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