This study of university students examined the effects of a rubric based on subjective skill tasks on the subjective benefits of participation in physical education courses. Three studies were conducted based on the ADDIE course improvement model. We examined 595 subjects taking a badminton course (177 from preimprovement courses and 418 from improved courses) at universities C and D in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Study 1 examined the impact of badminton skill level in pre-improvement classes on the subjective benefits. The results indicated that students with higher skill levels had higher learning outcomes than those with lower skill levels. Study 2 utilized free descriptions by students to identify the subjective skill tasks they found difficult based on their skill level. This clarified that the perception of tasks differed according to skill level. For example, members of the beginner group assessed their skills not by their own movement but by the flight of the shuttle, and a rubric was created based on this evaluation. In Study 3, the subjective benefit scores were compared between the pre-improvement classes and the improved classes using the rubric. This revealed that the improved classes using the rubric had higher scores than the pre-improvement classes in terms of “Improvements in physical strength and physical activities” and “Establishment of regular lifestyles.” The results indicated that the improved class using the rubric based on subjective skill tasks enhanced the subjective benefits perceived by the students.