Online ISSN : 1883-471X
Print ISSN : 0301-1542
ISSN-L : 0301-1542
直記式 Flow-Volume Curve Recorder によるMEFV曲線の各指標の正常予測式とその正常範囲について
関根 球一郎佐藤 信英田中 元一
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 16 巻 6 号 p. 428-434


This study was carried out for the purpose of establishing “normal” prediction equations and “normal” limits of the parameters of MEFV (maximal expiratory flow-volume) curve. The subjects were 114 females and 227 males, ranging in age from 19 to 68 years, and were selected from 2396 employees of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on the basis of the following criteria:
1) no respiratory symptoms
2) no history of cardiorespiratory diseases
3) no history of smoking
4) normal chest X-ray findings
5) %FVC>80%, FEV 1.0%>70%,
6) adequate maximal expiratory effort at the test
MEFV curves were recorded using a direct writing flow-volume curve recorder. Forced expiratory vital capacity, one second forced expiratory volume, maximal flow at 50 per cent (T) and 25 per cent (V25) of the forced vital capacity, and the ratio of V50 to V25 were measured. The correlation coefficients of V50, V25 and V50/ V25 were calculated with age, height, weight and obesity rate. All of three parameters correlated with age and height significantly. Especially, we emphasized that V25 and V50/V25 correlated with obesity significantly. “Normal” prediction equations of V50, V25 and V50/V25 were decided by the least squares method (Table 4). The “normal” limits of predicted values were also presented (Table 5).

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