Print ISSN : 1346-4930
ISSN-L : 1346-4930
論 文
古田 浩貴寺島 修石黒 俊輔酒井 雅晴酒井 康彦長田 孝二伊藤 靖仁大西 一弘
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 13 巻 1 号 p. 40-45


   In general, a separated flow involves a reverse flow near the solid surface and its re-attachment in the downstream region. Therefore, the velocity measurement techniques, which can detect only the magnitude of the flow velocity is not useful to measure the separated flows. From this background, a tandem-type hot-wire probe which can detect not only the magnitude but also the direction of the flow is made and used to measure a separated flow around a two-dimensional blade. The tandem-type hot-wire probe consists of two I-type hot-wire probes and a small elliptical-shape resinic cylinder. A careful calibration test and the preliminary experiments are performed to confirm the validity of the self-made tandem-type hot-wire probe. The measurement results show that the characteristics of the separated region can be estimated precisely, and the re-attachment position obtained by the tandem-type probe is almost the same as that obtained by the static pressure fluctuation at the blade surface.

© 2013 日本実験力学会
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