Print ISSN : 1346-4930
ISSN-L : 1346-4930
論 文
二宮 広樹吉岡 修哉
ジャーナル フリー

2019 年 19 巻 1 号 p. 44-51


   New wind turbine blade designed exclusively for vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) is examined. This new blade has "Magatama" type cross section. In this paper aerodynamic force generated by the Magatama blade in two dimensional potential flow is experimentally investigated by using Hele-Shaw cell. Pressure distribution and aerodynamic force are calculated from streamlines visualized in the Hele-Shaw cell. As a first step, potential flow around circular cylinder and Joukowski airfoil is examined. Obtained pressure distributions are in good agreement with theoretical values. Increase of lift force with increase of angle of attack is also confirmed by examination of NACA0018 airfoil. Our original Magatama blade is then investigated by the Hele-Shaw cell. Pressure distribution and aerodynamic force are successfully obtained. It is confirmed that the lift force can be controlled by modifying curvatures of upper and lower surface of the Magatama blade.

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