Print ISSN : 1346-4930
ISSN-L : 1346-4930
論 文
森 正和森 章太郎西川 雅仁池田 直
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 255-259


We report a unique technique in forming an entangled carbon fibers without any glue material. We describe here a phenomenon where spraying aerosol of short carbon fibers realizes a spontaneous formation of a clump of entangled carbon fibers in few seconds. We named this method as a fiber aerosol deposition (FAD) method. We investigated the origin of this phenomena with comparing the length of the raw carbon fiber materials. We found that a range of the length distribution from 85 to 111 µm of the fibers is necessary to reproduce the phenomenon. Also found that the appearance of an intermediate state layer in initial formation stage enhances the fast development of the entangled carbon fibers. We point out that a clump of glue less short carbon fibers may be applicable for the recycling process of the wasted carbon fibers that are increasing in modern industry which utilizes the carbon fiber technology.

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