Online ISSN : 1884-5096
Print ISSN : 0911-8845
ISSN-L : 0911-8845
アウトナンバーゲームを取り入れたバスケットボール授業における状況判断力の向上 -小学校高学年児に対する戦術的知識テスト、 状況判断テストの分析を通して-
鬼澤 陽子岡出 美則小松崎 敏高橋 健夫
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 26 巻 2 号 p. 59-74


The purpose of this study was to examine the students' understanding of decision-making knowledge in basketball games with numerically uneven sides (3 on 2). Three elementary school basketball classes consisting of two grade 5 classes and 1 grade 6 class were examined. The 82 class participants (boys=38, girls=44) received a total of 11 hours instruction. A physical education researcher advised the elementary school teacher on how best to teach the principles of offensive decision-making in basketball, with respect to the following; the priority of shooting, passing and ball-keeping. In order to examine the differences in understanding as it relates to decision-making knowledge, two tests were conducted with the students during pre and post units. The results are summarized as follows:
1) The shoot and pass, revealed no significant difference between pre and post knowledge tests with figures. In contrast, results for the ball-keeping, showed a significant (p<.05) difference between pre and post knowledge tests, with post test yield being greater than that of pre test yield.
2) For the shooting, passing and ball-keeping, a significant (p<.05) difference was found to exist between pre and post knowledge tests with videos, with regards to the number of correct answers obtained, with post test yield being greater than that of pre test yield.
3) The number of correct answers given in the knowledge test with videos was lower for the even sides than for the uneven sides in the pre test.
4) In the post test, the number of correct answers given in the even sides of the knowledge test with videos was as high as in the uneven sides.
The results support the hypothesis that the cognitive decision-making ability of children improves with learning experience by playing basketball games with numerically uneven sides.

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