Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Online ISSN : 1880-358X
Print ISSN : 0013-7626
ISSN-L : 0013-7626
Studies on the occurrence of “pithy tissue” in root crops (VI)
Effect of foliage sprays containing nutrient elements and growth regulators on the occurrence of “pithy tissue”
Author information

1959 Volume 28 Issue 2 Pages 109-114


1. The authors conducted the experiment in order to study the effectiveness of foliage sprays containing nutrients and growth regulators for preventing the occurrence of “pithy tissue” in Rapid Red radish.
2. The plants sprayed three times with 3% solution of Yogen No. 2 (containg N, P, and K) showed the same degree of pithyness as in the untreated ones, although the growth of the tops and roots was superior to that of the plants treated with other ways. In the plot sprayed twice with 10ppm solution of NAA, we found a decrease of the occurrence of “pithy tissue”, while the corpulency of their roots was not much less than that in the untreated ones, down to the latter stage of growth. These results show the higher practical value of these two treatments in the prevention of the occurrence of “pithy tissue”.
3. We also found the preventive effect in spraying three times with a mixed solution of 3% of Yogen No. 2 and 50ppm of gibberellin, but its effect was not so great as in the sprays of Yogen No. 2 alone.
The use of 50ppm solution of gibberellin cannot be recommended as practical use, because it gave an inferior corpulency of the root in spite of less occurrence of “pithy tissue”.
4. The plot treated twice with 10ppm solution of TIBA showed no recognizable difference in growth as compared with the untreated one, except that it actually promoted the occurence of “pithy tissue” In the case sprayed twice with 70ppm solution of MH, not only was the corpulency of the root hindered, but also the occurrence of “pithy tissue”. was tended to be promoted
5. Considering the result that every treatment which had a preventive effect upon the occurrence of “pithy tissues”, also caused growth of leaves and possibly an increase in the assimilation capacity of leaves, may be concluded that the spray improved the condition of the leaves, thus augmenting the nutrient supply to the roots, and decreased the pithyness.
On the other hand, the cause of the promotion of the occurrence of “pithy tissue” by spraying of TIBA and MH cannot be ascribed to the process of the occurrence of “pithy tissue” which had been explained in the previous reports, but rather to the direct action of them as anti-auxins.

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