Online ISSN : 1880-358X
Print ISSN : 0013-7626
ISSN-L : 0013-7626
中野 有加渡邉 慎一岡野 邦夫巽 二郎
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 72 巻 2 号 p. 156-161


Absorption and distribution of 15N by divided tomato root, part immersed in a nutrient solution versus the other part in a humid atmosphere, were composed. When the seedlings had six fully expanded leaves, equal concentrations of K15NO3 solution were administered simultaneously to the nutrient solution or the saturated, humid atmosphere. At the end of 72-hr exposure to 15N, the roots and the rest of the plants were analyzed. On a separate group of plants, the respiration rates of roots in the two root zones were determined. Dry weight, the percent of dry matter and nitrogen content, and nitrogen concentration were significantly higher in roots in the humid atmosphere than those in the nutrient solution. Respiration and 15N absorption rates were faster in roots in the nutrient solution than those in the humid atmosphere. Roots in the humid atmosphere exported less 15N to other parts of the plant than did roots in the solution; the former retained more of 15N that they absorbed and imported more 15N. In the case where the root system is split so that part immersed in the nutrient solution and the rest in the humid atmosphere, roots in the solution absorbed and supplied nitrogen more efficiently than did roots in the humid atmosphere. The large accumulation of dry matter by roots in the humid atmosphere may increase nitrogen absorption, even though the efficiency is low.

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