2015 Volume 14 Issue 1 Pages 37-47
This research aims to clarify the universal rules of the sense of beauty to multi-color stimuli by establishing a computational model specifying the relationships between the initial color information of multi-color stimuli and the aesthetic evaluation. In order to obtain the empirical data based on which the future computational system can be established, two psychological experiments have been conducted using Semantic Differential method. The design of the experiments is based on Leder's psychological model. In Experiment I, three factors, namely “Pleasure”, “Activity” and “Potency”, are extracted. The aesthetic evaluation values for every stimulus are defined as their factor scores (inverse) on Pleasure factor. In Experiment II, five factors, namely “Vividness”, “Complexity”, “Gentleness”, “Strength” and “Wetness”, are extracted. Each of them is regarded as corresponding to a simple visual feature.