This paper demonstrated a relation between tempo of ‘Healing’ music and listener's ‘Healing’ evaluation. Some previous studies suggested that tempo is one of the most important factors in music. In present study, at first, we investigated tempo of ‘Healing’ music from the market, and analyzed acoustical property of them. Next, we made a simple sound from a result of the analysis, and we used it in the listening experiment. The subjects answered subjective ‘Healing’ impression of the sound stimuli, which were constructed from simple sounds in various tempi. According to the confirmation, the peak of the evaluation value was found at about 60 BPM (Beats Per Minute). Distribution of subjective ‘Healing’ evaluation resembled distribution of tempo values of ‘Healing’ music. There must be a tempo that fitsKANSEIand heals us, and such tempo is possible to be originated from heart rate in rest. Results of this study are useful for composition and choice of ‘Healing’ music.