Online ISSN : 2187-4247
Print ISSN : 0288-609X
ISSN-L : 0288-609X
小児消化管運動における新しい上部消化管内圧検査法 : 機能性腸閉塞症の診断,治療における有用性について
渡辺 芳夫原田 徹村橋 修伊藤 喬廣伊藤 寛
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 28 巻 6 号 p. 1115-1120


The physiology of intestinal motility in Pseudo-Hirschsprung's disease is obscure. We modified intestinal manometric methods for use of children and have studied the intestinal motility in three cases (hypogenesis 1, CUPS 2). The simultaneous phase III like activity appeared in hypogenesis of a 1-year-oldgirl and it changed to random spike contraction of low amplitude at her 2 years of age. It has not improved yet after 3 years follow up. And the low amplitude non-propagated rhythmic contraction was observed in a case of CIIPS. The lack of the phase III of migrating motor complex (MMC) in these two might cause enteritis because of the lack of "housekeeper" funciton of the phase III. In the other CIIPS, frequent occurrence of the phase III of MMC and absence of a MMC-reaction to the feeding were observed. The foumer might be a manometric finding in a type of CIIPS. The characteristics of manometric changes in the three were different form MMC in the reported normal children. We conclude the upper intestinal manometry is a useful examination of the intestinal motility in Pseudo-Hirschsprung's disease and can direct a proper treatment of this rear disease.

© 1992 特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会

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