Journal of Kanagawa Sport and Health Science
Online ISSN : 2436-7249
薗部 正人種市 和香子小川 喜道渡邉 紳一当麻 成人高橋 勝美
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 46 巻 p. 21-25


  The purpose of this study was to propose the simple estimative method for clarifying the relationship between the maximum strength and the number of foot-tapping during 15sec on planter-flexion and dorsi-flexion. The subjects were 80 elderly persons who were in stable health condition. The originally designed equipment was used for this study, and it measured the maximum strength on planter-flexion and dorsi-flexion. At this measurement, the posture was set the back position, because it was not affected from the hip extension and knee extension. The number of foot-tapping movement during 15sec was counted by a light-sensor of the originally equipment. The posture at the foot-tapping test was the sitting position (knee joint was 90 degree and ankle joint was 90 degree). In results, there was significant relationship between the number of planter-flexion foot-tapping movement and measurement of the strength on planter-flexion. On the other hand, there was no-significant relationship between the number of dorsi-flexion foot-tapping and measurement of the maximum strength on dorsi-flexion. In conclusion, these results suggest that the maximum number of planter-flexion foot-tapping could estimate the maximum strength on planter-flexion in the elderly.

© 2013 神奈川体育学会
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