Online ISSN : 1882-4528
Print ISSN : 0030-1558
第2編 超生体染色色素と各種固定剤との反応に就て
真木 照雄
ジャーナル フリー

1958 年 70 巻 12 号 p. 4643-4649


In the first paper the author reported that the dyes used generally for supravital staining form insoluble precipitates with the Nessler's reagent suggesting that this reagent may be used for the fixation of the dyes used in supravital staining of cells. However, some authors report that several fixatives those containing mercuric ion or picric acid can be used for the fixation of dyes used in supravital staining of cells. In this paper the author presents the results observed on the reactions of various dyes with several fixatives.
Experiment proved that some fixatives containing Hg or picric acid form insoluble colored precipitates with dyes. The formation of the precipitates is most marked in Janus green B and less marked in Nile blue. By treating picric acid the dyes change their color to that with yellow tone. No precipitates can remain undissolubled when they are exposed to the organic solvents, like alcohol, aceton etc. Janus green B precipitates show some resistance to the action of organic solvents but less resistance to Nile blue. It follows then for the observation of the supravitally stained granules on fixed cells, organic solvents should be avoided in any process of fixation and dehydration.

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